马斯特里赫特大学Bram Foubert教授来BET体育365投注官网进行学术交流


 2019412-21日,应BET体育365投注官网邀请,马斯特里赫特大学商业与经济管理学院Bram Foubert副教授于BET体育365投注官网开展教学及学术交流工作。在为期一周的交流中,Bram博士首先向物流管理系17级全体学生开展了《运营决策管理》课程的教学工作,介绍了目前在欧洲决策运营管理方面的方法,并引导学生使用SPSS软件,通过实际案例数据分析进行决策的方法;另外,面向工商管理相关专业17级全体学生及部分相关专业教师,Bram博士以《面向理论研究与企业应用的市场决策模型发展前沿》为题,开展了藏龙讲坛工作,介绍了其多年来与欧洲多家企业之间的应用课题及目前在大数据背景下市场营销领域所进行的应用与理论研究,特别介绍了其最新理论研究成果及主要研究方法,为今后的共同学术研究打下基础。此外,双方共同确认了本年度外专百人计划项目申请合作意向,将力争在这一领域取得新突破。

Bram Foubert简介:

Bram Foubert is an Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE), where he teaches courses in data analysis and econometrics. His research interests are in the areas of consumer response modelling and retailing. More specifically, he investigates how marketing instruments, such as sales promotion, store environment, or advertising, affect purchase and consumption behavior and customer life time. His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, and Marketing Science, among others. At SBE, his research fits in the research theme Data-Driven Decision-Making.


  • Foubert, B., Breugelmans, E., Gedenk, K., & Rolef, C. (2018). Something Free or Something Off? A Comparative Study of the Purchase Effects of Premiums and Price Cuts. Journal of Retailing, 94(1), 5-20.

  • Le, N. Q., Foubert, B., Briers, B., & Cleeren, K. (2017). The Dynamic Relationships Between Marketing Communication, Customer Commitment, And Customer Spending: A Study On Donation Behavior. Abstract from Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, United States.

  • Foubert, B., & Gijsbrechts, E. (2016). Try It, You'll Like It-Or Will You? The Perils of Early Free-Trial Promotions for High-Tech Service Adoption. Marketing Science, 35(5), 810-826. 

  • Foubert, B. P. J., Datta, H., & van Heerde, H. J. (2015). The challenge of retaining customers acquired with free trials. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(2), 217-234.